Thursday, July 31, 2008

Week 1: Wednesday

I'm determined to stick with the daily posts during the week, but this entire week has been quite a large adjustment for us with starting the schoolwork and potty training. Elsie is doing excellent with the potty training. She had two half accidents on Tuesday where she didn't make it in time so she had half in her pants and half in her potty, but yesterday she did great. She even went all the way through church last night without an accident and went potty when she got home so I'm THRILLED with her progress. No accidents yet today either.

Yesterday was rather hectic as Claira was incredibly clingy. We took some time early in the morning to read Elsie's Bible, and then we practiced her scripture again. She had most of it learned on Tuesday, but she says, "the Earth and the Heavens." She gets those two mixed up.

Our lesson for the day was on the letter A. So, we sang the alphabet and then colored the letter A. I drew the uppercase and lowercase letter A several times on Elsie's light sketcher, and she traced over them. She actually surprised me with how well she was able to trace them. While we did that, we talked about the sounds that the letter A makes and words that start with A. Then, I let her watch the Leapfrog Letter Factory DVD, which I highly recommend. I plan to let her watch it every Wednesday after our letter lesson.

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